The Align & Size dialog box enables you to align selected object(s) on a Work Page. If you have selected a group of objects, then alignment is applied to the group. The Align feature aligns objects within Work Sheet boundaries indicated with a thin border line inside Work Page area.

This dialog box contains two tabs - Alignment and Size. These enable you to change  alignment and size of object(s).

The Alignment tab may have one or two subfolder tabs. If you have selected only one object, the Alignment folder will have only the Entire selected group subfolder tab. If you have selected more than one object, the Alignment folder will additionally have the Objects inside of group subfolder tab. 

The Entire selected group tab enables you to change alignment of your entire selection. If you have selected one object, then this object will be your single selection. If you have selected more than one object, the program will consider all selected objects as a multiple selection and apply alignment to this combined object. This tab contains the Horizontal and Vertical sections. These enable you to apply horizontal and vertical alignments to an object or group of objects.

Horizontal section includes five options:

Vertical section includes five options:

Objects inside of group tab enables you to apply alignment to a whole group of objects. This subfolder tab is available when you select more than one object. This tab contains two sections - Horizontal and Vertical. These enable you to apply horizontal and vertical alignments to objects selected as a group.

The Horizontal section includes five options:

The Vertical section includes five options:

The Size tab contains two sections - Horizontal and Vertical. These enable you to change the horizontal and vertical sizes of objects.

The Horizontal section includes five options:

The Vertical section contains five options:

To keep aspect ratio of a selection clear, put a checking mark in the Keep Aspect Ratio check box. This is important especially in case the raster images are aligned. They may blur if aspect ratio is changed.

When you are processing only a single object, and the Entire selected group is the only visible subfolder tab, some options in the Horizontal and Vertical sections of the Size tab become grayed, i.e. inactive.